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All paintings have a frame

Climate change

The planet doesn't even belong to some


Connected to the Earth

Connected to the Earth emerged from the scenic moments of trips to the continents of ancient civilizations, Eastern and African.

Primavera, Acrílico sobre Tela, 50X70 cm, 2019.jpg

Woman Condition

The women's faces I paint are based on my emotional profiles.

IMG_5192 (1).jpeg

Social causes

The design allows for the visible capture of faces hidden by fear, embarrassment and anguish, a fertile ground for psychological disorders.

COMPLICITY, Oil on Canvas.jpg

Psychic States

What individualizes us are our experiences, our personality, our set of values, convictions, desires and objectives.

DOUBT, RESIGNATION AND HOPE, Acrylic on Canvas.jpg

Human Conditioning

This project proposes a way of observing the limits of our choices, which, because they are conditioned, give us a false sense of freedom.

capa para secção.JPG
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